Sunday, June 8, 2014

First bag ready to go.

Several of the bloggers I follow have mentioned doing the easy stuff first. Kandice writes at The Simple Year and her post The Sock Situation inspired me to look closely at my sock drawer.

This is what it started out as. It does not include the bag of laundry that hasn't been put away.

I have socks I wear to run in that are in a different drawer. I have nylons that I wear with my favorite boots or with dress shoes. They are also in a different drawer. I haven't worn most of these since I stopped volunteering at the elementary school. (I'm not ready to tell you how hold my kids are now) Of course, the bottom half is mostly unmatched socks. The drawer is also missing my panties, they're in the laundry bag.

After going through the drawer and putting away the *cough* two bags *cough* of laundry, I'm left with this. . . .

All my clean panties and the unmatched socks. My running socks are in this drawer now along with a pair of compression sleeves, a headband and two elastic wraps. Oh, and a pair of wool socks for when we visit family. The trip was scheduled for November but they got sick and we didn't go. Keeping the socks because we plan on rescheduling and winter is the best time to visit them.

Result: One drawer cleaned up and one bag ready to donate.

There is still laundry to do so I'm sure I'll find more socks/panties but look . . . there's room! How am I able to donate/toss most of my socks? I live in sandals or go barefoot now that I'm not working.

copyright Gina @ Book Dragon's Lair 2014

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